Task. To speed up and simplify the transfer and processing of information from emergency room dispatchers to ambulance crews. To optimize the process of operational reporting on the work of ambulance stations and crews.
Prior to the introduction of the software, patient data and call details were written into the dispatch program, then transferred to the team, which filled the information into a call card. The data was processed manually, and the information from it was transferred to the reports.
Scope. To simplify the process, a tool was needed that could reduce the number of operations required to transfer and process the information. In particular, duplicate input and manual processing were the weakest spots.
Solution. For dispatchers and medical personnel two separate systems that automatically exchange data have been developed: Emergency Medical Service Dispatcher Module and Emergency Medical Service Team Module.
The information about incoming calls and patients is recorded in the Dispatcher Module, transmitted to Medical Team Module and into an electronic Call Card, which is then completed by a medical professional with the collection of analysis and recommendations of the doctor. After the call is closed, the information is available for analysis and reporting. The system has a mechanism for data retrieval, including the ability to choose the type of report and presentation of data in different sections.
The results of the software implementation:
- Reduction of material costs and time expenditures for document management;
- Quick transfer of information to the medical team;
- Prompt formation of analytical reports without manual data processing.