Operations Support System

Task. Creating a tool for managing and supporting private mobile network equipment.

Mobile network operation requires network and equipment management, constant monitoring of parameters, and response to deviations. An instrument is needed to control the parameters remotely, monitor the equipment’s functionality and take measures to support its operability.

Scope. OSS software that allows operators to manage activities, configure the network remotely, and provide device and network performance data in a convenient format.

Solution. The Operations Support System (OSS), which supports devices that reroute multiple operators’ networks connected via radio or fiber optic channels. The system capabilities include:

  • importing device and dependency templates;
  • initializing devices and device chains while considering their interdependence;
  • monitoring equipment performance parameters and localizing deviations;
  • visualizing deviations on the network operator’s equipment;
  • managing device firmware;
  • managing licenses;
  • managing shared access of cell operators;
  • integrating device management and top-level systems;
  • operating in terminal mode;
  • visualizing equipment placement.
OSS functionality

Results of Software Implementation. The Operations Support System (OSS) enabled the equipment to interact in the telecommunication system and support the required level of cellular network quality.

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