The Internet of Things has the potential to transform industries, improve operational efficiency, enhance decision-making processes, and drive innovation.
Companies choose data collection software as an alternative to manual data collection, transmittin... Read more
Custom software
Operation Support Systems (OSS) originally emerged as a system for monitoring and controlling equipment in the telecommunications industry. Over time, OSS systems have become more functional in enabling the coordination of processes and resources within a ... Read more
Images are a source of information used for decision-making in fields such as medicine, security, agriculture, transportation management, and more. However, utilizing such data to its full extent without computer programs is challenging and not always feas... Read more
Equipment maintenance is usually done according to a pre-prepared plan, or less frequently in cases of breakdowns that make further operation impossible or dangerous. Both approaches have their advantages, but in the first case, the material costs are not ... Read more
Digital Smart City Platform: Structure and Capabilities.
Epol Soft has started the development of the Digital Smart City platform, which will serve as a unified center for data aggregation, analysis, and storage. It aims to simplify urban management, enha... Read more
Software development outsourcing has become a common practice that provides strategic advantages such as resource savings, access to experts, and project execution speed. Specialists and research companies note an increasing demand for IT outsourcing.
G... Read more
In one of our previous posts, we talked about how one of our employees created a Smart Home system at their own home. As a result, their apartment became more comfortable, and the project creator became much less distracted.
A similar project was implem... Read more
Operation Support Systems (OSS) originally emerged in the telecommunications industry as a tool for remote management and ensuring uninterrupted operation of mobile communication. The main goal of implementing such systems is to reduce the operational cost... Read more
E-government is a system of software and hardware for remote interaction between citizens and government structures. This approach replaces personal visits to government authorities and paper-based document flow. However, despite its progress, its implemen... Read more
Software integration is necessary in situations where there is a need of seamless communication between multiple software systems, applications, components, or equipment. In some cases, it can be an alternative to purchasing new systems and equipment.
H... Read more